Tag Archives: freedom

Droid Rage fanzine, Moshers Delight special edition

Droid Rage fanzine, issue 3.


Moshers Delight special edition with Give, Freedom, Unified Right, Free At Last and Demolition.
You can download the full fanzine in PDF format here: https://www75.zippyshare.com/v/YpgzKoBj/file.html.

You should check out Ed’s blog for more, so much great content to read at https://droidxrage.com!


Chiller Than Most #6 out now!

Issue 6 of Chiller Than Most fanzine is out now and you can get your hands on it through the Chiller Than Most online store. https://chillerthanmost.bigcartel.com/product/chiller-than-most-6


– An in-depth analysis of the history of Agnostic Front, interview with Spoiler (Stigmatism, Omegas, Justice, United Stance etc.)
– Interviews with Unified Right, Outburst, Freedom, Hypocrite, Big Cheese, Meline Gharibyan, Motor City Madness.

Cut’n’paste fanzine, A4 size, 28 pages. Cover art by Chun One.

An in-depth analysis of the history of Agnostic Front, interview with Spoiler


“The United Blood EP has to be the most powerful music ever recorded by people who couldn’t play their instruments. At that point in time, all Punk and Hardcore bands said they couldn’t play because it was still the era of arena rock, when the standard of playing music was Led Zeppelin or The Eagles. In comparison, of course Hardcore bands couldn’t play. But looking back at it now, a lot of early Hardcore bands like the Adolescents, the Bad Brains or Die Kreuzen for instance were phenomenal musicians. Compared to those bands, Agnostic Front could actually not play. But somehow, they were able to create an incredibly powerful, menacing, insane sound. They were inspired by DC bands like Iron Cross and SOA who also couldn’t play, but those bands seemed to know what their limits were. Agnostic Front did not. They played like they were in a fist fight with their own limitations. Raybeez couldn’t keep a beat to save his life, but instead of sticking to simple beats he tried to overcome himself by playing really chaotic, busydrum beats with a bunch of crazy drum fills all over them. Agnostic Front didn’t want to admit they couldn’t play, not to themselves and not to you. Other early New York Hardcore bands who couldn’t play were goofy kids who sang funny lyrics about how they couldn’t play. Agnostic Front were Skinheads who sang about how they were going to beat you up. Their message was simple: people had been fucking with them their entire lives and they weren’t gonna take it anymore. The intense atmosphere around this record changed NYHC forever. It showed people that you didn’t need to make fun of yourself for not being good at something that you cared about. It showed that you could make a statement even if you had nothing.”

Chiller Than Most!

Chiller Than Most fanzine, issue 6


The new issue of Chiller Than Most fanzine will be released on 24th May 2018! Features Freedom, Outburst, Unified Right, Big Cheese, Meline Gharibyan, Hypocrite, Motor City Madness, Spoiler – Agnostic Front.
Online store: https://chillerthanmost.bigcartel.com
