Show review: Youth of Today, Gorilla Biscuits, Judge, Beyond at Oliver J’s Allentown PA by Open Your Eyes fanzine

This show review originally published in Open Your Eyes fanzine, issue 3. (I got these awesome Judge, Beyond, Youth of Today and Gorilla Biscuits photos via Joe Whiskeyman/onlife_87, pics made by C.I. fanzine, C.Hauck.)

showreview01 olivers 88 judge gb yot beyond


“Mike Judge up front for YOT. July 1988 Allentown, PA. A Stacked line up of Youth of Today, Gorilla Biscuits, Judge and Beyond. We almost got killed driving home from this show. In our exalted state we drove down the wrong side of a highway for a bit at a confusing bypass.” Joe Whiskeyman/onlife_87


Lukie Luke, Gorilla Biscuits.


One kind word!!! Beyond.

